Saturday 26 November 2011

Props, Costume, Actors and Actresses

After creating our storyboard are started to consider our props, costume, actors and actresses. We know that we wanted a man to play the part as our criminal and a woman to play the part of our MI5 agent. We also know that we need a phone and blueprint as there would be our two key item in our story. The costume how even were a little bit more changing as we know we when a stylised opening but did not want it to alienate our audience. So we decided on as smart but casual look for a male and a smart businesses dress for our female.

Below our our choices:

Tower of London

Example of Blueprint 
We have chosen to use an iPhone as it is a stylised, modern and befits the character we have in mine. Also we have decided to create a blueprint of the "Tower of London" as that is where our story revolves around but also as we have been thinking about out title (See post about titles) and decided on creating of titles around the theme of a blueprint as it features in the opening but also has connotations of crime and theft.

Male Black Suit
Female Suit
Male Purple Shirt
For other costume, we want both characters to be smart. The female MI5 agent more so that the male as she is in a working environment both us to create the air of authority and power. So for that reason we want her to be in a woman's suit, skirt, blazer and shirt. For out male characters we want to create a air of superiority however being suave and sophisticated at the same time. We did not want him to look like he had just come just work so we have decided that he will be dress in a grey or black shirt with a purple shirt and pocket handkerchief. As purple has connotations with royalty, elegance and sophistication.

Actors and Actresses:

                                                    Chelsea Davison                             Sophie Mooney

When choosing our male and female leads we when to follow the stereotype for our male but break it for our female, as we feel that break the stereotype of a MI5 agent from a male to a female would put the audience on the back foot and not know what to expect from her, creating mystery and unease as the audience would want the crime to be court but with a woman, which is not normally see is film as being a MI5 agent the audience would not know if he would be. So for this reason we have chosen to go with Chelsea Davison. As she conforms to the stereotype of a blond, stylish woman with sought-after looks, putting the audience in a unusual situation as normally blond woman are the "eye candy" with a film that do not help the protagonist, as this example of the famous James Bond Dr. No with "Ursula Andress" shows.


                                                       Tameem Rahman                              Daniel Pirie

Form our main lead we wanted a male that fixed the stereotype criminal, however someone that the audience would be draw to and look at the end of the film. Traditionally a Black man would be the stereotypical race for a thief however our film, that portrays a criminal in a stylised way is normally a white man as this clip for "The Thomas Crown Affair" with "Pierce Brosnan" shows:

So for this reason we have chosen Daniel Pirie as our male lead. Also we have chosen both of our actors as they fit the part but moreover that we think they are reliable and that we have ask them not to change there appearance for the duration of our film as this would effect our continuity.

Our choices have been influenced our research and what actors look like in there parts of other crime films. Also we have have been influenced by our decision to change some stereotypes and conform to others, which has affect our choices of actor and Actresses. This will help us in creating the correct mood and tone for out opening titles as we now can visualise what out characters will look like and sound like. This will help our final script and storyboard.

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