Saturday 17 December 2011

The Importance of Storyboarding

Today, we watched a documentary on 'The Sixth Sense' to do with the art and the importance of storyboarding. I thought that it was most enlightening as I believed that the easiest way to create our short two minutes title sequence was to create a simple storyboard with just the basic framework, film it and make the film in the editing room. However after watching the documentary I now understand that to create a good and well thought out opening we need to go back and revisit our storyboard adding more detail and gaining a clearer idea of where we want to take our opening.

Below is the documentary that we watched and my notes as well:


- Storyboarding is used to map out the film
- Storyboarding is a visual script to the movie
- Visual supporting the story
- Takes 16 weeks to create a storyboard
- Storyboarding is also called '2D Film Making'
- Storyboarding is a plan of how to bring the audience into the film
- Storyboarding saves money and time on set
- Shot should help tell the story to for the sake of them
- The Storyboard os playing the part of the whole crew
- Storyboarding aid decided making
- A cut should be used to help the story telling (thought) process
- Storyboarding aids and assists the execution, cast and crew of a film
- The storyboard is the worst the film can be
- Even is the storyboard is change it still works better then is there was not storyboard
- Produce and editing is a way to enhance the storyboard
- The film is make at the storyboard not in the editing room

From watching this I have decided that we need to go back to our storyboard and refine to include more detail and really plan out opening title sequence, so it makes it easier and quick to film and edit together.

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